Formic Autoamte NOW Palletizers offers highly flexible month-to-month agreements to help you get started quickly and easily with automation. We also offer longer term contracts to reduce your monthly investment. All engagements come with the same $0 CapEx, unlimited usage, 24/7 tech support, 100% maintenance coverage, replacement parts, and the ability to swap equipment as your production needs change and grow.
Overcome labor challenges and eliminate injuries at the end of your production line with contracted automation success from the Formic Full Service Palletizer Rental program. Pricing includes vacuum end-of-arm tool (EOAT), 5’ of conveyor upstream of palletizing cell, and slip sheet handling.
The Formic solutions and enigneering team will scope the right customized palletizer solution based on the throughput, weight, case type, stacking needs, and layout of your production lines. Just like all other Formic equipment, the quote for your custom system will provide one monthly all-inclusive rate for unlimited usage of the system, contracted production SLAs, 24/7 tech support, and 100% maintenace coverage.