Join us for the next Formic Automation Community Event at Land O' Frost in Lansing, IL on April 30th @ 8:30am CT. Register now!

We Manage Robotics. You Manage Your Business.

Many facility managers find that implementing automation is itself a full-time job, and quite a headache. Facilities need to identify the right applications, look for integrators, build an in-house engineering team, and find room in the budget before being able to implement automation. Common challenges include: unforeseen system downtime, finding integrators who are trustworthy and competent, and system repurposing when your production processes change. We built Formic for a better way.


No CapEx

Pay by the month while
your system produces


Technical Support

On-call remote operational and software support



Preventative, corrective, and spare/replacement parts

At Formic, we front all the upfront costs and only charge you when the system is running, which means we have skin in the game to make sure your systems performing and saving you money on OpEx from day 1. Our incentives are aligned perfectly with yours. We don’t make money unless you are producing and saving with automation from day one.

If you’ve considered automation in the past but didn’t implement, now is the right time to revisit your approach.

Our Suppliers

We have experience working with all of the leading providers of robotics equipment across a broad range of tasks. We work with you to find the best system for any job.

With Formic, Automation is More Affordable and Less Risky:

  • Our unique pay-for-productivity model ensures results while providing predictability on your bottom line
  • We take full responsibility for system uptime. You only pay when the robots are performing as promised
  • No more paying high upfront purchasing and installation costs, and no more paying for maintenance. We handle all upfront and ongoing expenses - you only pay a low recurring rate

Start Saving Money From Day 1:

  • We quote low, all-in rates for systems
  • We guarantee the performance, meaning that if the system is not performing, we fix it, and credit you for any downtime (read more here)
  • No need to wait for lengthy budget cycles for capital expenditures

The Difference is Clear

Formic helps you avoid all of the hidden cost of setting up and maintaining a traditional automation system.

With Formic Without Formic
Application Scoping Nothing Review Fees
Engineering Design Design Fees
Implementation Fees
System Upgrades Upgrade Fees
Emergency maintenance Fees
Unforeseen Expenses
Maintenance Fees
Recurring Payments
Monthly rate with guaranteed uptime
Lenders, preventative maintenance and insurance
Contact Us

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Want to learn more? We would love to show you how easily automation can transform your business.